Guaranteed Horse Products

Fly Bye! Plus™ Fly & Mosquito Formula

  • Fly Bye! Plus™ Fly & Mosquito Formula
  • Fly Bye! Plus™ Fly & Mosquito Formula


Fly Bye! Plus™ is a totally unique formula that works on a molecular level that provides ultimate protection from flies, gnats and mosquitos. By utilizing revolutionary soy based technology, created a highly effective pesticide-free spray.

Here is how it works:
When a fly comes near Fly Bye! Plus™ it will actually feel a molecular change in its exoskeleton. As a survival device the fly will move away from the area that has been sprayed. Fly Bye! Plus™ also contains geranium oil for mosquitos and gnats too. Fly Bye! Plus™ is bio-degradable, non-toxic and safe for your horse and environment.


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Additional Information

Quart Material Safety Data Sheet:
Gallon Material Safety Data Sheet:
2.5 Gallon Material Safety Data Sheet:
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